To become a Director is a relatively simple process. As a resident, you can request to join an existing Board of Directors, considering you meet a certain criteria. This includes being over the age of 16 and you must not have been previously disqualified and/or have an undischarged bankruptcy (someone who is under the financial restrictions of the bankruptcy process).
If accepted, you will either automatically become a Director right away or your appointment will be proposed at the next Annual General Meeting.
You can also be nominated by an existing Director or voluntarily assume the position with shareholder agreement
Leaseholders with specific skills or expertise, such as accountancy, that could prove valuable to the board, can also be invited to join, which is a significant benefit of a RMC
After being elected, you will need to complete an AP01 form and submit it to Companies House. Alternatively, you can provide information about yourself, so that existing Directors or the managing agent can administer your appointment with Companies House. If for some reason there is any doubt on who is on the Board of Directors, this information can be checked on the Companies House register by searching a name or by management company.

If you would like to find out more information about the role and responsibilities that fall on Resident Management Company Directors and what this entails, please click below.